

An initiative created by and ICEX that makes it easier for small Spanish companies to enter the most innovative technological ecosystems in the world. Learn more

Launch date
Madrid Community of Madrid (HQ & founding location)

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More about Desafia

Desafía San Francisco is a public initiative sponsored by ICEX and that helps Spanish technology companies scale faster and globally.

Our portfolio companies raised more than $230M in total and created +3000 jobs. The median total investment is $1.45 from venture capital firms and accelerators such as but not limited to 500 Startups, Adara Ventures, Alma Mundi Ventures, Angel Ventures, BBooster (Draper Venture Network), BrightCap Ventures, BStartup, Caixa Capital Risk, Deerfield, Demium, Encomenda, Endeavor Catalyst, GP Bullhorn, Inveready, JME Ventures, K Fund, Keiretsu Forum, Kibo Ventures, Lanzadera, MassChallenge, Plug And Play, Samaipata, Seaya Ventures, Seedrocket, Startup Sesame, Techstars, Telefonica Ventures, The Venture City and Wayra.

Among our alumni are three winners of South Summit's Global Startup Competition (2017, 2018 and 2019).

Crunchbase ranks us as the #1 non-equity accelerator in San Francisco.